Thursday, October 20, 2011

Homecoming: Week 1

It's been surreal coming home. On the one hand, it's been comforting to be able to interact with people in a language that I am 100% confident in, as opposed to listening intently and trying to build from context what the missing pieces might be. On the other hand, it was a bit jarring to remember how to interact with people: I needed some help at the post office and the cashier was helping another customer but I went up and just asked if they had any packing tape… without waiting in line. I got reprimanded with a fake: "I'm sorry sir, I'm helping another customer right now". Translation: "Get to the back of the line and wait your turn." I smiled.

The toughest thing has been to adjust to the new timezone while Serenity doesn't/can't. I think she's been adjusting slowly, but I think it's been pretty clear that she is still on Beijing time, which makes things hard for us because we're trying to do things during the daytime (while she's sort of asleep) but she's trying to do things during the nighttime (when we're sort of asleep).

Highlights so far:
  1. Boutique sodas. I love drinks. So far I've had one case of Reed's Ginger Beer, one bottle of another kind of Ginger Beer (I don't remember the name) and one case of Lemon Lime Bitters soda.
  2. Football. I watched the Cowboys and Patriots and the 49ers and Lions games. I missed football so much.
  3. Working out. I ran 3.1 miles (5K) in 38:16 on the first day. I ran 3.25 miles in 34:16 on the second day. Don't really know if I can keep this up. :)
  4. Driving. The in-laws rented a car for me. It was fun to drive, but I realize that I really do appreciate other people driving me (i.e. taking public transportation or taking a taxi).
  5. Food. Lots of different kinds of food. I had a gyro. Ravioli. Trader Joe's. Yum.

1 comment :

  1. welcome back. hopefully Serenity will adjust to US time soon. =)


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